Pizza Fire Logs - Super-compressed 100% dry beech wood, cost effective fuel alternative that burns hotter and more consistent than firewood logs. Pizza Fire Logs are chemically and bacteriologically certified for the cooking of food with no additives or binders.

Fire Starters - Specially manufactured for use with cooking and are ideal for starting a fire in a food environment. They are made from 100% sustainable and natural products. Does not contain any waxes from fossil fuels. These are ideal for starting a fire in a food environment.

Pure Beech Shavings - Specific product for the cooking of authentic Neapolitan pizza. Pampuglia creates an instant flame and an immediate increase in oven temperature. It’s an indispensable element for the correct cooking of the authentic Neapolitan pizza

BBQ Fire Pucks - These fire pucks are hyper-compressed briquette pieces of 100% dried pure beech. They are a good replacement for charcoal and environmentally friendly. One bag of BBQ FIRE PUCKS is sufficient to produce cooking embers for 6 people.